Porcelain Veneers, Crowns and Bridges - You are only 2 weeks away from your perfect smile

Instant smile enhancement

Dental veneers consist of a thin covering of porcelain or composite resin material which is bonded to the surface of one or more teeth to enhance their appearance.

Veneers can be an effective option to address teeth that are:

  • Chipped or broken

  • Misshapen, crooked or stained

  • Slightly rotated

  • Worn or eroded

  • Have a small gap between them

Veneers can provide a long term smile enhancement solution. With the proper care and good oral hygiene they can last up to ten years or more.

How long do dental veneers last?

With the right maintenance and ongoing care, veneers can have a lifespan of ten to even twenty years. However, the longevity of veneers will vary from person to person and as such, your dentist will implement a preventive maintenance program in order to ensure you are smiling brighter for as long as possible.

How can I be sure they will suit me?

The veneer process will involve a comprehensive planning component, where we will in most circumstances create a digital and physical blueprint for your new smile. During this planning process, you and your dentist will change this blueprint until you are happy and at this point, we will implement an aesthetic prototype which will allow you to view your smile before proceeding.

Crowns - The Ultimate Tooth Restoration

A dental crown is a custom, tooth shaped ‘cap’ that is bonded to a tooth to re-establish its integrity and appearance.

Dental crowns can provide a long term solution for restoring a tooth’s strength and use when it has become badly cracked or damaged from decay or trauma. Sometimes dental crowns may be used as a preventive treatment, if the tooth is at high risk of breakage.

Dental crowns are also used to teeth after root canal therapy, to cosmetically fix the appearance of a misshapen tooth and provide a solid anchor point for a dental bridge.

Quality Makes a Difference

Modern dental crowns are made from a range of high quality materials that offer superior strength and durability. All of our crowns are made by world class ceramists in Australia, so you can rest assured that only the best materials are being used for your bespoke restorations.


Rarely used, but can be a very effective crown that combines the strength of a metal base with a cosmetic covering of tooth-coloured porcelain.


Designed to offer the best cosmetic result, these crowns are able to reproduce the natural look of a tooth using porcelain.


Sometimes used for back teeth when ceramic may not withstand a strong biting pressure.

 All cosmetic procedures carry risks. Before proceeding you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.

We provide porcelain veneers, porcelain crowns, gold crowns and cosmetic dentistry for the Sydney Inner West, including but not limited to the suburbs of Cabarita, Mortlake, Five Dock, Concord, Ryde, Olympic Park, Gladesville, Abbotsford, Homebush, Putney, Meadowbank, Rhodes, Strathfield, Burwood and Chiswick.