Wisdom Teeth - Removing your wisdom teeth might be the wise thing to do

It’s wise to be informed

Otherwise known as the ‘third molar’, wisdom teeth generally appear between the ages of 17 and 24. The main problems associated with wisdom teeth are to do with a lack of space causing them to be impacted.

We only recommend the removal of wisdom teeth if they are impacted or infected. In many cases, extraction is straightforward and can be completed under local anaesthetic in the dental chair.

However, in some circumstances, it may be too difficult to remove the tooth at our practice and in these cases we may refer patients to a specialist oral surgeon who is skilled in dealing with more complex cases.

Symptoms of an impacted wisdom tooth

  • Pain and swelling in and around the gum overlaying a wisdom tooth

  • Aches and pain when opening the mouth

  • Tenderness in the back of the mouth when chewing or biting

  • Pain or ulcers on the inner cheek

More serious symptoms include swollen glands under the jaw, swelling of the face and fever. If any of these symptoms are present, please book an appointment straight away.

The importance of preventive maintenance

It is possible to have an impacted wisdom tooth without even knowing it. If left undetected, it can cause problems to otherwise healthy teeth. The molar in front of the wisdom tooth is often at risk of decay and gum disease if there are untreated impacted wisdom teeth. Preventive maintenance will ensure that there are no detrimental effects on other healthy teeth.

Experiencing symptoms of an impacted wisdom tooth?

Book online today to schedule an appointment with one of our experienced dentists.

All surgical procedures carry risks. Before proceeding you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.