Fruits and Veggies Aren’t Just Good For Your Body, They’re Good for Your Teeth, Too

The best way to keep your teeth healthy is by brushing and flossing. But a tooth-friendly diet can also prove to be very helpful in reducing oral debris, brightening your teeth and keeping your gums healthy. A balanced diet contains the necessary amount of fibre, vitamins and minerals required to keep your body and teeth healthy. However, we’ve also listed a few food items that will also improve your oral health.


Fibre Rich Fruits and Vegetables

High fibre foods are ideal for your body and great for your teeth. The fibre has a detergent-effect on the gums and teeth. It also stimulates salivary flow and rinses the food debris out of the mouth. As a result, food particles do not stay in the mouth, and there is a lower chance of developing cavities.

Dairy Products

Dairy products like milk, cheese and yoghurt are excellent for oral health. These products increase salivary production and wash away oral bacteria, preventing cavities. At the same time, the fermented dairy products like yoghurt and cheese are great as they contain high amounts of probiotic bacteria like lactobacilli. These bacilli can actually bind oral bacteria and reduce oral bacterial loads and prevent cavities.

Green Tea and Black Tea

Both teas contain different types of polyphenols that interact with dental bacteria. This suppresses dental bacteria, prevents plaque formation and reduces the acid production capacity of oral bacteria. This directly contributes to a healthier oral cavity – and less cavities.

Fluoridated Foods

Fluoridated water, dehydrated foods, powdered juices, etc. are usually rich in fluoride content, and they can definitely boost your oral and dental health. Some commercially prepared food items may be high in sugar but also are just as high in fluoride to protect teeth and ensure oral health.


Nuts contain a high amount of minerals and vitamins that are essential to re-mineralize the surface of teeth. They can also accelerate saliva formation to cleanse the mouth after eating.

Firm Fruits

Any type of firm crunchy fruit like apples and pears are excellent for cleaning the tooth surface. They contain high amounts of fibre and low sugar that buffer the acid content of the oral cavity and prevent dental caries.

Sugarless Chewing Gum

Chewing gum is a great way to clean the tooth surface of plaque and bacteria. The munching action of the teeth and cheeks can actually physically clear the tooth surface of lingering bacteria and reduce the amount of plaque on the tooth surface and in the mouth. Some sugarless chewing gums also contain xylitol that can prohibit the reproduction of oral bacteria and enhance oral health.


You’ll be surprised at how good plain water is for teeth. Water contains minerals and added fluoride that increases the strength of teeth and ensures overall protection. It can also flush away extra acid and keep the oral cavity clean.


You can’t have water on this list without ice – something everyone crunches on from time to time. But is biting down on ice bad for your teeth? As it turns out, your mum (and your dentist) was right all those years: chewing on ice can be very harmful, because you’re wearing down the enamel, and that can cause chips or cracks. This, in turn, can lead to oral sensitivity or cause problems with your fillings.

Although these may seem like simple tips, most of us find it difficult to follow them due to our hectic modern lifestyles. Nonetheless, try to add as much fresh fruit and vegetables to your diet as possible, and visit your Canada Bay Dental dentist every six months to ensure optimum oral health.